It was a long stretch – 60 km in two days in burning heat! No shade on the way to Pietralunga and mainly asphalt roads. I handled it in two ways: one time I was daring to walk on an unmarked forest path for two hours. I found the trail marker again- it was a gamble!
Also, during the 16km hike on a winding asphalt road through a solitary forest, I found the perfect time to memorize a poem by Rainer Maria Rilke (Book of Hours). It reflected my state of mind:
Du Gott, ich möchte viele Pilger sein
um so, als langer Zug, zu dir zu gehen
um dann ein großes Stück von dir zu sein
du Garten mit lebenden Alleen…
( free translation: You, all embracing universe, I want to be many pilgrims in order to walk to you in a long line,so that I can become a big piece of you, you garden with living alleyways…)
The countryside was beautiful – hills covered with oak trees and pines and sometimes a stone house, church or palazzo visible already from far away.
Pieve de’ Saddi with a group of young Italien pilgrims just leaving this place. This church goes back to the 3rd century. I could have stayed overnight, but I planned to meet Lorenz and Ale in Pietralunga.
Endless seeming street
I was so happy to see Pietralunga and arrived in time to meet Ale and Lorenz for dinner. It was a real treat after the strenuous day.
The next day, I left early and thought that I will pass a bar for breakfast – big mistake! There was nothing! Luckily, Ale brought me chocolate! However, I had hard time not to think about an espresso and a cornetto alla crema.
Chocolate from Ale and guidebook from Lorenz
Field with sweet smell of hay
The path was long, but on beautiful shady forest ways
I met the two French pilgrims again. Fabienne made an arrow for me out of wood so I do not miss the turn – I was deeply touched!
Although I walked nearly the same distance, I was much more rested when I arrived in Gubbio. I slept in the Convento San Francisco, a place more than 800 years old.
Gubbio from the distance
Gubbio is the most charming medieval town perched on a mountain. It required an amazing architectural skill to built it.
Little dog looking out of a window
So many charming places….