Robert and I started the hike today on the Oberisshütte near Neustift/Tirol. The whole tour is 55km long, walking up 5712 m, walking down 5568m. Already at the beginning of our hike we enjoyed ripe rasberris, wild strawberries, blueberries and found a lot of chanterrelles peaking out of the mossy ground. We hiked up to the Starkenburgerhütte with roughly about 1000 m elevation change. Tomorrow, we will go to the Franz -Senn -Hütte. The weather forecast is bad- rain and sometimes thunderstorm “
How exciting to do this 9-day hike with Robert. Being in nature together can really deepen the bonds with friends and family. I love your photographs. I feel like I’m right there with you. Schoene Reise! Erica
Unfortunately, Robert hiked down into the valley today to drive to Innsbruck. He has to work. I will continue on my own. I decided to do this hike just several days ago….
Love to hear from you, dear Erica!